Vision Zero Kern
T-shirt White Gildan Ultra Cotton™
Classic Fit Adult T-Shirt
The Vision Zero Kern is a non-profit movement based on a Swedish street safety approach,(Vision Zero) which treats all traffic deaths as inherently preventable. The Vision Zero campaign is now a national and statewide campaign to reduce cycling and pedestrian fatalities to zero in ten years. We have a lot of work to do locally, as Bakersfield is coming off of a record year with 37 bike and pedestrian roadway deaths.
To achieve this, we will use education, enforcement, encouragement and evaluation programs throughout Kern. The program will begin in the spring, and continue through fall, repeating yearly, thus allowing for measured growth and improvement. Licensed educators, both young and old, will use League of American Bicyclists and America Walks curriculums to educate our citizens.
In addition to saving lives and improving our quality of life, creating a safer roadway experience can provide many financial benefits to our community such as reduced healthcare and transportation costs and increased discretionary income.
Improving the safety of our roadways for all users is a cure for what ails us here in Kern County, particularly in metro Bakersfield. State-leading obesity rates, poor air quality, high poverty levels, low educational levels and deteriorating roads are hallmarks of Kern.
Kern Economic Development Corporation tells us there is a lack of 24-34 year old engineer types to fill the jobs we need in Kern for our agriculture and petroleum industries. 65% of the people in this age group, known as the Millennia’s, want to live in communities that have a solid active transportation system. These types of communities have centrally located shopping and entertainment centers easily accessible by biking or walking.
Let's take Kern County and Metro Bakersfield to this next level of success, sustainability. Join with your community and civic leaders in embracing our Active Transportation needs. You can learn more about the Vision Zero Kern project at or visit our FB page. Show your community you want to Vision Zero Kern County cycling & pedestrian fatalities by 2025!